Professional Illustrations

Your illustration is just a few clicks away!

Extra Final File

Get an additional file format of the Final Illustration or Cover you already got.

This package is perfect for any customer needing a specific file format and/or resolution that is not the one provided in the Design Package already bought.


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Before adding this product to your cart, please describe your idea, and attach a visual reference to help us interpret your vision.

All our services include:

Commercial Usage Rights: granting you the freedom to use the illustration anywhere.

Time Saving Design Process that delivers High-Quality illustrations quickly.
Personalized Suppport ensuring a stress-free experience and continuous communication.

Product details

This Product Includes:
  1. One version in High Resolution of a Final Illustration or Cover resulting from any design package on this website.


This package includes one additional file format. It assumes that there is an existing final file that’s the outcome of any of the packages included in this website and that there are no changes involved or additional design stages needed for exporting that final file into the desired format or resolution.

Technical Specs of this Package

These are the most common file formats and resolutions, please ask your agent for any other specs.

  • The final illustration in High-Resolution PNG, TIFF, or SVG.
  • The final illustration in another resolution such as 72dpi, 150dpi, etc.
This Product Does not Include
  • The design of an illustration, cover, chapter header, or any other piece.
  • Adapting or changing any design.

Looking for custom project?

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We can capture your unique style.